Watch videoes on YouTube (Arnemusic) and listen to my music on Apple Music and Spotify (Arne Rønnestad). Click on the pictures below and you will be taken to my YouTube channel.

Here is my brand new song, «Healed By The Light». Enjoy!

«Visions of the Past» was composed in 1977 by Arne Rønnestad, with lyrics written by Gregory Smith. This is the first time the song is played in public. Hope you enjoy it!

«Beyond» is an instrumental, reflecting our origins, the unknown, but also the wonders of life!  The music is soothing and gives the listener room for reflection and relaxation.

Ta meg med på dine stier (Take me with you on your pathways)

I made the album «På Vei» («On my way») in 2003, which you can find on YouTube and Apple Music.

Different aspects of my musical creativity are represented on the all-instrumental CD. The music, both electric and acoustic, is relaxing and leads you into wellbeing and reflection.